SEAS and SoM has launched a center called Penn Health-Tech (PHT), on May 2, 2017, which is co-directed by Brian Litt and Insup Lee with strong engagement by Mark Turco at PCI.
Congratulations to Kuk for winning the Best ESE PhD Colloquium Award!
PRECISE PhD student, Madhur Behl, advised by Rahul Mangharam, will join University of Virginia as Assistant Professor in Computer Science. We wish Madhur the very best!
PRECISE Ph.D. student, Jaewoo Lee, advised by Insup Lee, will join Seoul National University as a postdoctoral researcher on September 1st. He will be working on parallel task scheduling (including GPGPU scheduling) in the automotive domain. We wish Jaewoo the very best!
PRECISE PhD student, Zhihao Jiang, advised by Rahul Mangharam, will join Toyota InfoTechnology Center in Mountain View, California. His team works on Connected Vehicle Services. We wish Hao the very best!
PRECISE post-doc, Dr. Marco Beccani, advised by Rahul Mangharam, joined Apple's team on Healthcare sensors - working on analog, mixed-signal and interactive software for wearable diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices.