At Real-Time Innovations we live at the intersection between pervasive networking and artificial intelligence. Our secure real-time connectivity framework enables intelligent machines in a wide variety of applications including connected medical devices, autonomous vehicles, transportation systems including flying cars and hyperloop, clean and renewable energy, etc.
In designing and implementing our software, we must pay attention to quality, extreme real-time performance and scalability. Ultimately, our software is used on large variety of operating systems and architectures, in the operation of hydro-electric dams, on-board of the international space station and in self-driving cars.
We look for well rounded and talented software engineers who like the challenge of making these systems work efficiently. We look for engineers who love to program and also have the grit to figure out the challenges of large scale and performant system software. We have found the Embedded Systems program at UPenn excellent for the type of software we work on. UPenn engineers have a great foundation in embedded systems, operating systems, networking and lower level programming languages. Over the years, we also had the pleasure of hosting a few students for a summer internship. UPenn engineers are part of our platform team (porting and tuning our software for over 80 different OS/CPU architectures), of our support team (helping our customers with our SDK), and as part of the product development team.
If you are interested in an internship or exciting career, come check us out at https://www.rti.com/company/careers.html
"As a Toyota employee, I have collaborated with the University of Pennsylvania on embedded systems design since 2005.
The automotive industry is moving away from the traditional idea of isolation between vehicles. Researchers are studying vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure collaboration, thereby introducing system elements that we neither design, nor control. This broader system-to-system view may help us achieve our goals of improving sustainability and safety. We envision a roadway infrastructure that can broadcast traffic scenarios, allowing vehicles to react accordingly. Our CPS capabilities need to be increased in order to produce the embedded systems we envision.
Finding students trained across CPS disciplines is an ongoing challenge. The skills that PRECISE is providing are essential for the automotive industry’s delivery of advanced systems to our customers and to society. The PRECISE center recognizes the needs of our society and is providing the corresponding educational requirements that CPS requires."
"The Air Force Research Laboratory's first direct interaction with PRECISE faculty was in 2005 on the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant called Run-Time Validation and Verification for Safety-Critical Flight Control Systems. In 2005, the PRECISE center research level tools aided in the guaranteed safety of adaptive (non-deterministic) software. Since that time, researchers and students alike have been instrumental in providing relevant fault tolerant applications for advanced safety critical certification. More recently, the PRECISE center has contributed to a cross discipline team to understand and enable the next generation autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles. These needs have been highlighted in the 2010 science and technology report from the Air Force Chief Scientist. Much like the fictional Asimov three laws of Robotics, the PRECISE center is aiding in the creation of autonomous robots that 'do no harm.'
PRECISE excels at linking control, communication, and software disciplines for autonomous systems defining the next generation Cyber-Physical System."