
Lama A. Al-Aswad
- Blindness prevention
- Tele-ophthalmology
- Data science
- Artificial intelligence and innovations
- Technology development
Application Domain(s)
- Ophthalmology
- Tele-health
- Accurate medicine
- Decision intelligence healthcare
Research Highlight
Challenging the traditional medical status quo by using AI and innovations to exemplify ophthalmic care.
Computer and Information Science
- Model-based design
- Formal verification
Application Domain(s)
- Embedded control software
- Real-time decision making
Research Highlight
High-level query language over streaming data with performance guarantees.
Computer and Information Science
- Machine learning
Application Domain(s)
- Learning-based control
- Precision medicine
Research Highlight
Designing a novel reinforcement learning algorithm that learns easy-to-verify controllers.
Computer and Information Science
- Computer architecture
- Programming languages
Application Domain(s)
- Multicore processors
- GPUs
- Compilers
Research Highlight
Runtime systems that can automatically repair performance bugs without programmer intervention.
Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Computer architecture
- Distributed systems
- Machine learning
Application Domain(s)
- Data centers
- Energy efficiency
- System security
Research Highlight
Designing and managing computer systems with machine learning and algorithmic economics.
Computer and Information Science
- Real-time embedded systems
- CPS safety & security
- Assurance cases
Application Domain(s)
- Cyber-physical systems
- Internet of Medical Things
- Autonomous systems
Research Highlight
Leveraging personal data, medical devices, real-time computation and control systems to augment the capability of caregivers to help patients.
Electrical and Systems Engineering, Computer and Information Science
- Safe autonomous systems
- Safe implantable medical devices
- Energy-efficient smart buildings
Application Domain(s)
- Driverless vehicles
- Implantable cardiac devices
- Energy price-aware adaptive buildings
Research Highlight
Building safe life-critical systems by bridging formal methods, control systems and machine learning.
Computer and Information Science
- Machine programming
- Data systems
- Machine learning
Application Domain(s)
- Learned systems
- RL-powered systems
Research Highlight
Building next-gen data systems that adapt to changes, invent novel processing strategies, and understand user intention.
Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Safe autonomous systems
- Learning-based control
- Distributed control systems
Application Domain(s)
- Cyber-physical systems
- Safe AI
- Machine and reinforcement learning
Research Highlight
Provably safe, robust, and data-efficient learning enabled control.
Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Model Predictive Control
- Learning for Control
Application Domain(s)
- Cyber-physical systems
- Medical systems
Research Highlight
Performance and safety guarantees for systems with learning-enabled controllers.
Computer and Information Science
- Programming languages
- Software engineering
Application Domain(s)
- Security
- Concurrency
- Mobile computing
Research Highlight
Building advanced programming systems that effectively combine the power of users, machines, and data.
Ophthalmology and Vision Science
- Blindness prevention
- Artificial intelligence and innovations
Application Domain(s)
- Space Medicine
- Ophthalmology
Research Highlight
Advancing ocular health on Earth and in Space with vision-related technologies.
Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Embedded control systems
- Networked control systems
- Hybrid control systems
Application Domain(s)
- Internet of Things
- Safe AI
- Robotics
Research Highlight
Verified autonomy for multi-robot systems.
Computer and Information Science
- Cyber-physical systems
- Distributed systems
Application Domain(s)
- Avionic
- Automotive
- Medical systems
- IoT
- Cloud computing
Research Highlight
Developing theoretical foundations and practical platforms for CPS (with provable safety, security and timing guarantees).
Computer and Information Science
- Model-based verification and development
- Runtime verification
Application Domain(s)
- Autonomous vehicles
- Medical devices
Research Highlight
Enabling automatic control of an infusion pump to ensure that the patient is not harmed by an overdose of pain medication.
Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Wireless Systems
- Machine Learning
Application Domain(s)
- Digital Health
- Internet of Things
- Robotics
Research Highlight
Developing novel wireless technologies with unique sensing capabilities for advancements in digital health & robust robotic perception.