ID2015 - 1:40p - Lu - Smart Manufacturing

Cyber Physical Systems for Smart Manufacturing and Related Standards
Yan Lu
Senior Research Scientist
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Speaker Bio

Dr. Yan Lu obtained her B.S. and M.S degrees from Tsinghua University and PhD degree from Carnegie Mellon University in Electrical Engineering. She is a member of the Systems Engineering group in the Systems Integration Division (SID) of the Engineering Laboratory (EL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Her research interest covers distributed control, fault detection & diagnosis, information modeling and predictive analytics with applications in smart manufacturing, smart building and grid. Before joining NIST, she was the head of Grid Automation Research Group at Siemens Corporation, Corporate Technology (SCR) where she has led and successfully delivered more than 10 million dollars of government funded research projects in the areas of survivable control systems, energy management and smart grid automation. Dr. Lu also worked for Seagate Research Center for two years on developing hard disk drive servo controller.